Wrestling: Summer Sit-Down with Andrew Sparks


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Jul 4, 2013
Richmond, VA
Andrew Sparks had an amazing year last year as a true freshman!! He had an 8-1 record, with a top-10 win, before getting injured in the B1G tournament. The injury was to his knee, although what exactly it was was never released...I'm pretty sure it was a torn ACL. He had surgery and is expected to be back to wrestling by July or August.

Sparks has a lot of talent, he's always in superior shape, and he never stops attacking and scoring. And if he was good last year, he thinks he will be MUCH BETTER THIS YEAR!!!

I can't wait for this!!!

If he was healthy at year end last year, he would have had a shot at being an AA, and he would have scored some significant team points for us!! I'm excited to hear how amped up he is to get back to wrestling this fall. Once Marinelli is gone from IA (I think by the 22-23 season), I think Sparks has a good chance at being a Natty champ!! He's a real gamer and fun to watch, I look forward to following his progress in the next 4 years!!!

Here's the interview with AS from

Summer Sit-Down w/ Andrew Sparks

The true sophomore talks with GopherSports about his road to recovery and his path to reaching his true potential​

Sparks Andrew

(Photo by Brad Rempel)

As one of the most intriguing stories in college wrestling, Andrew Sparks jumped onto the scene in 2021 during his first season in the Maroon & Gold. Kicking off his collegiate career with a top-10 win, Sparks posted an impressive 8-1 regular season record before a postseason riddled with injuries derailed what could have been a promising end to the young Gopher's freshman campaign.

Now on the road to recovery, Sparks is already looking forward to making an even larger impact in the lineup next season, persistent on the idea that his best is only yet to come.

GopherSports: First of all, just talk about how has your off-season been going since we last saw you at the NCAAs in March.
Sparks: This offseason has been a little different since I'm recovering from surgery. I'm about two and a half months out from surgery, so I'm just working on getting strength back in my leg, and getting back to 100%. I still have a little ways to go, but hopefully by late-July, early August I'll be back on the mat. We're getting there, but it has definitely been a little bit different this off-season just trying to get my knee right.

GS: You kicked off your college wrestling career in a big way last year, with some good wins under your belt. Obviously, the year didn't end the way you would've liked with the injuries but just recap how you thought the season went for you?
Sparks: You know, it was a good year. I probably wasn't even expected to start, so last year was definitely a success. I went 8-1 during the season, and then Big Tens obviously didn't go how I wanted with the injuries. NCAAs definitely did not go how I wanted it to go, but I mean I learned a lot. Last year was huge for me, I made some huge steps, and I'm going to be pretty confident next year knowing that I'm right there with the best guys in the country.

GS: One of the things that makes you so intriguing to wrestling fans is the progression that you've had throughout such a short career. What is it about yourself that you attribute all of that success and improvement to?
Sparks: Yeah it's only been about five or six years, so I've come a long way in a short amount of time, but the biggest thing I would say is my competitive spirit. I want to win so badly and I love this sport a lot, so because of that it has motivated me to get in the room more, and focus on getting better every day. This is what I love doing, I love the feeling of knowing that I'm getting better. My work ethic too, I'm always going to be one of the hardest working guys in the room, if not the hardest.

GS: Was there a match or a moment last season that made you realize that you can compete at the highest level against the top guys?
Sparks: I think the obvious one is my first match against Nebraska. Going into my freshman year, I knew the competition was a lot different in high school, and it was hard for me to really know where I was at. To be honest, I was struggling a little bit in the practice room, so just going into that match and winning gave me a lot of confidence and helped me realize that I'm right there with the top guys.

GS: Your offensive style is also something that stands out to fans, because we've seen on multiple occasions last year that you're not out of any match until the final whistle? Where did that offensive wrestling style come from?
Sparks: I've always been aggressive and wanted to score as many points as possible. I've also had a really good gas tank because of my work ethic, so knowing that I have that gas tank, and the will to keep scoring points no matter what happens, that really what it is I think.

GS: Now looking onto next season. You're in an interesting position because although you've obviously been in the college lineup for a year already, you have yet to wrestle a full college season. Have you given that any thought and maybe what are some things that you're looking forward to this upcoming season?
Sparks: I'm excited, but the biggest thing for me is to make sure that I keep staying healthy. I wasn't quite able to do it last year, so I'm focused on keeping my body right, and staying healthy for the full season since it's twice as long. I'm looking forward to the grind, especially now. I can't wait to get back into wrestling, I'm itching to get back. One thing about me is that I've never burned out from a season, and I think part of what has helped me get to where I'm at is because I've been able to keep my mind right, so I'm excited to get back.

GS: Another thing that you haven't experienced yet in your career is having fans inside Maturi Pavilion. Now that you've put yourself on fans' radar as well as the team itself being an exciting young team, how excited are you to compete in front of the fans this season?
Sparks: I'm super excited, that's one of the things I'm really looking forward to. It's just not the same without fans. The one thing was that you could hear the coaches a little better, but other than that it's not too fun without the fans, so I'm excited for the place to be full next year.

GS: We talked about your career progression earlier but now looking forward, what do you think the full potential of your wrestling career is?
Sparks: Like I said before, I'm just getting started. This is just the beginning for me. Every year, you're going to see a different me, and a more improved me. I had a minor setback with my knee, but I'm still going to be much better than I was last year.

GS: Now that you have a full season under your belt, are there any improvements that you're looking to make stylistically heading into the upcoming season?
Sparks: The biggest thing is just adding more tools to my wrestling. Being more fluid on my feet, having more attacks and being quicker to them. I want to see things quicker and have a better feel for different positions. I need to keep working on top, too. I'm pretty solid riding people out with a leg in, but I need to get pins. I didn't get one last year, so I'm looking to get pins this year and be able to turn guys on top with my leg rides.

GS: We touched on it a bit earlier, but with how young this team is, does it excite you to have the opportunity to continue to build this program for the next few years?
Sparks: I'm super excited for this team. I love every single guy on the team, and that's the biggest thing for me. When you have a group of guys that love wrestling for each other and are close as a group, that is what is going to take us far. Especially now with the guys we have and the young studs coming up, everybody is really focused and I'm looking forward to getting better with them and seeing where we go.

GS: More specifically, is there a guy or two on the team that you like working with in the practice room?
Sparks: I love rolling around with Brayton Lee. He has a really good feel, and we have a similar style, so I love learning from Brayton. Bailee O'Reilly is another one. He's tough and always moving forward so those are the guys I like working with.

GS: Finally, if there's one thing that you're looking to achieve next year, what would that goal be?
Sparks: A national title is always the goal, but most importantly, the one lesson I've learned is that you never know what's going to happen and you never know when it will be your last match. So, the biggest thing for me is to just make sure I let it go, and enjoy the moment. Win or lose, what matters is that I tried, I gave it my best shot, and that I'm having fun. I'm doing this because I love wrestling, so this year I'm going to enjoy it because it's going to go by fast. I'm leaving everything on the mat.
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