Are you a member of Kiwanis, Sertoma, Rotary, Shriners, Elks, Eagles, Moose, Masons, Rotary, Chamber of Commerce, Jaycees, Optimists???
Ask your leadership to get on a meeting agenda this summer to promote Gopher athletics. Videos are available. The Athletics Department can provide support. Wear Maroon and gold. Solicit season tickets. Promote Minnesota Pride!
Service organizations serve a crucial role in our communities and our state. I believe that they can be a conduit to increase support of our University and its programs.
Ask your leadership to get on a meeting agenda this summer to promote Gopher athletics. Videos are available. The Athletics Department can provide support. Wear Maroon and gold. Solicit season tickets. Promote Minnesota Pride!
Service organizations serve a crucial role in our communities and our state. I believe that they can be a conduit to increase support of our University and its programs.