In light of our dear frat boys of SAE (and the house mother too) getting exposed recently I want to thank Gopher Nation for being bigger than that and totally understanding where 55 comes from. If you are not black you have no idea what a brotha has to deal with in America but you guys allow me to vent and share my unique perspectives. Brothas, deal with Police, fraternities and corpoate America daily (who think a lot like SAE but won't say it) and they all have one thing in common. They are very similar in how they relate to brothas. They deal with them harshly or with a hands off approach. I Don't like em and will keep them exactly where they are. I am sure Gopher Nation completely gets 55 now and I want to thank you for understanding past, current and future posts. Some people really think racism doesn't exist any more and our country is in so much better shape. It's better I agree, but how much better is where we may differ and what may be your wake up call, so you lutefisk eating, lake home owning, you betcha sayin Minnesotans may not get that it is hard out heA for a brotha. But at least you hear 55. Actually 55 has done well, it's not about me any more. So this week, hire a brotha and understand he has been through a lot already. My daddy started something (he used colored restrooms by the way) and I am here to finish it. Demry can pass!!!! Peace!!! Go Gophers!