It's slow so I felt like bitchin. You know how so many "stars" have said they'll move to another country if Trump wins? Well I'm not moving, but I understand their point. HOW CAN WISCY AND IOWA consistently get 2-3 teams in the dance and we rarely get one? One! Happening occasionally could be luck. Happening regularly is skill. And honestly it's been similar with the comparative quality of the 3 major fb programs....IA and Wiscy have been way way way better than us for, well, decades now. My partner, who played fb at minny says it's a lack of committment. But that's so nebulous. I don't know what the problem is, but it's here like a virus and we can't seem to shake it. This AD hire, to me, is going to either: A. Reflect a desire to commit to finding excellence or B. Commit to living with the virus and accepting mediocrity. No, accepting sub-mediocrity. (This is mostly a bball rant, I'm cautiously optomistic about football). End of whining!