at least our fans have a solid relationship with reality.
And look, we aren't perfect. I often put on my 'maroon lensed gold rimmed glasses', sure. Some on this board are far too negative. All of us can be irratonal at times---I'm a great example this.
That said, none of us are totally insane. Nobody on this board thinks the refs are out to get us every game.
Lately I've been reading other teams' comment boards and it's just
Total lunacy. Case in point, Michigan fans on mgo blog spent the entire game pissing and moaning about the officiating. 'Wah wah the Big 10 is out to get us' --no the refs are bad for both teams
'The free throw disparity is proof of a conspiracy' ---nope. Minnesota attacks the hoop and the glass consistently. Michigan settles for jump shots. That's just basketball---if you don't attack you don't get to the foul line that much.
'We should join the Big 12. We make all the money and the Big 10 poops all over us' --yep, that's right. Fans of MICHIGAN, one of only two Big 10 perennial media darling schools (OSU) think they have an uphill slog.
I mean, these guys must be
Miserable people in real life.
Iowa boards are even worse somehow. Skunk fans aren't as whiny but they are just as deluded.
So, fellow Gopher fans, let me say I have a newfound appreciation for all of you.
Go Gophers!
We are the one and only 'U of M'!
And look, we aren't perfect. I often put on my 'maroon lensed gold rimmed glasses', sure. Some on this board are far too negative. All of us can be irratonal at times---I'm a great example this.
That said, none of us are totally insane. Nobody on this board thinks the refs are out to get us every game.
Lately I've been reading other teams' comment boards and it's just
Total lunacy. Case in point, Michigan fans on mgo blog spent the entire game pissing and moaning about the officiating. 'Wah wah the Big 10 is out to get us' --no the refs are bad for both teams
'The free throw disparity is proof of a conspiracy' ---nope. Minnesota attacks the hoop and the glass consistently. Michigan settles for jump shots. That's just basketball---if you don't attack you don't get to the foul line that much.
'We should join the Big 12. We make all the money and the Big 10 poops all over us' --yep, that's right. Fans of MICHIGAN, one of only two Big 10 perennial media darling schools (OSU) think they have an uphill slog.
I mean, these guys must be
Miserable people in real life.
Iowa boards are even worse somehow. Skunk fans aren't as whiny but they are just as deluded.
So, fellow Gopher fans, let me say I have a newfound appreciation for all of you.
Go Gophers!
We are the one and only 'U of M'!
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