J Robinson/Xanax investigation may be coming to resolution


Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Jul 4, 2013
Richmond, VA
In following the developments of the investigation into the selling/use of Xanax by Gopher wrestlers, I've been staying away from any speculation about who sold the drugs, who took the drugs, what JRob's role was, and how he might or might not be punished. And as of today, on a Saturday afternoon in late June, I'm still not going to start speculating...until the facts are made clearer than we have seen thus far.

Having said this, there are several things I've read yesterday and today that might mean that the investigation is getting closer to some sort of resolution. As these items suggest that the investigation might be heading to a close, I wanted to let the Board know what may be happening prior to its resolution. These are:

- an announcement yesterday that one of the wrestlers who was selling drugs will not likely be charged;
- a supposed letter written by JRob's daughter Jordan to Gopher Wrestling fans that says J will likely be fired next week and asking for our support;
- opinions voiced by Intermat's T.R. Foley in his Friday June 24th Mailbag, and by Dave Dean (who wrestled for J in the 80'S) and father of Cornell 2x Natty Champ Gabe Dean written in support of J on June 16th.

As a die hard Gopher Wrestling fan and supporter, I am still hoping for a resolution to this JRob/Xanax investigation that leads to the least amount of damage to our Gopher Wrestling program.

Here are the articles and opinions mentioned above:

Report: Prosecutor declines to charge Minnesota wrestler

Mark Palmer, InterMat Senior Writer


"County prosecutors have declined to charge a University of Minnesota wrestler with selling the prescription anti-anxiety drug Xanax, according to a report Friday on KMSP-TV, the Fox affiliate for Minneapolis-St. Paul.

A spokesperson for the Hennepin County Attorney's Office told KMSP there is, "insufficient evidence at this time."

An investigation by the University of Minnesota Police remains open. J Robinson, head wrestling coach, remains on paid administrative leave as the school continues its investigation.

Last month, the same station broke the story alleging that four Gopher wrestlers had been selling Xanax to fellow students, and that ten student-athletes were using the drug. In subsequent weeks, Robinson's agent, James C.W. Bock, issued a statement on behalf of the long-time mat coach, refuting some of the information that has been in multiple media reports."

From a thread on The Guillotine Forum called "J Put on Administrative Leave" posted June 24th at 4:51 pm CT, a letter written by Jordan Robinson, daughter of J, requesting the support of Gopher Wrestling fans. I have looked around the internet and while I can't find corroboration of this letter, there is corroboration of a call to reinstate J on his attorney James Bock's twitter site:

So read it with this in mind!
But knowing that the posters on this site are among the most die hard, knowledgeable, and diligent supporters of Gopher Wrestling, and the fact that the letter seems quite real, I am posting it for your review:

"Friends, Family, Supporters of J Robinson & Minnesota Wrestling,

A lot of you have asked how you can help or what you can do to show support for my dad and his coaching career at the University.

It is a hard thing to ask for help, but if you wouldn't mind taking a few minutes out of your day I would be grateful beyond words. The situation he has been put in, and the manner in which the University is handling it and treating him is unfair and misguided to say the least. The media ran away with a story with the intent of getting some good headlines - but reported with missing facts, and did not dig very deep. I can tell you that the emotional, mental, physical, weary time suck and financial toll this has taken on my family has been more than I will ever be able to describe. My dad is the best man, dad, and coach I know. He is a man of principle and honor. He is a man who has spent his entire life helping young men better themselves both on and off the wrestling mat.

Please read this and help us by emailing your support to the regents listed below. Pass this along to whomever, and thank you in advance.


Firing of Coach J Robinson is likely to occur next week. No official reason has ever been given as to why Coach J Robinson was suspended. U of M is in the process of manufacturing reasons to justify their actions of firing Coach J Robinson.

If you are confused as to how this situation is being handled, or want to show your support for J, please contact the University of Minnesota Board of Regents TODAY.

The Board of Regents is the governing body of the university, ultimately every staff member answers to them.

• Why has the U of M not disclosed what they knew when?
• How is a 30 year honored and respected coach thrown to the wolves with virtually no support from the university?
• How is an anonymous tip, submitted via a website, grounds for suspension?


Dean Johnson, Chair

David McMillan

Thomas Anderson

Richard Beeson

Laura Brod

Abdul Omari

Linda Cohen

Thomas Devine

Michael Hsu

Peggy Lucas

Darrin Rosha

Patricia Simmons

Brian Steeves, Executive Director"

The discussion from Intermat on when the investigation might be resolved:

Q: When is this University of Minnesota situation going to be resolved? The early recruiting period is fast approaching, and this scandal can't be helping Minnesota's recruiting efforts.
-- Mike C. Foley:

Given this week's release of Coach Robinson's emails to the administration -- which plainly showed the coach's attempt to include their involvement -- I'd suspect the new AD will have little choice but to lift the paid suspension and reinstate J as head wrestling coach.

The other alternative is to fire J, which I'm assuming the school's lawyers have informed the AD would be costly to defend against if/when J would file a wrongful termination suit.

This entire incident is the function of poor reporting and this inane desire to get clocks for headline journalism. An essay to reflect on poor decision making is not some unforgivable sin of leadership. J Robinson has been the leader of young men for quite some time and in all his years as coach there has been very little criticism of his treatment of his wrestlers (harsh or otherwise).

Let's hope the good coach is back on the recruiting trail by July."

And the article by Dave Dean:

J Robinson: A Great Coach - An Even Better Person
By AWP , 06/16/16, 08:00PM EDT

Damion Hahn and Gabe Dean in the picture. Thank you to Tony Rotundo

This is from the perspective of Dave Dean. He wrestled for J in the mid to late 1980's.

“There are some folks who manage handling difficult issues by sticking to the principle of the matter. These are the people who often times won’t do what is right but what is politically expedient. Great people are focused on doing what is right. Doing the right thing and doing what is principled many times do not match up. When you are a leader, it is these moments and the decisions you make that will define you, your body of work, your life.” (Quoting J Robinson 1987)

I remember when J said this to me. It was after my first year with him. The lesson didn’t fully sink in with me until years later, until I was responsible for others and, in the dark of night, had to make a difficult decision, deviating from principle because the right thing did not match up. Sleepless nights, knowing what I had to do. Many people depending on how I was going to play my role.


I was a young assistant coach at Michigan State University. We were going in to a massive NCAA investigation that was initiated by another angry assistant coach that was dismissed from duties. As I navigated through that investigation, J’s words of wisdom were squarely on my mind.

J had set me up with the tools to become a better person.

That is what J does. He mentored us, gave us the tools to become the people we could and should be. He set the bar high.

The proof is in his body of work. Look at all of the men that he has mentored in his life and the difference they are making and have made in the world. Inventors, doctors, cancer research doctors, leaders of companies, leaders of young men etc...

I had a moment this year that brought me incredible happiness and a bit of sadness. I suppose, nostalgia is a way to describe it.

I was watching the finals of the NCAA Championships. My son was in the finals. I had shared with him throughout a lifetime the lessons J had taught me. In his corner was Damion Hahn (A fellow Minnesota graduate), an exceptional coach and a great example for young men. Just ask Gabe what kind of man he thinks Damion is. You see, J was Damion’s coach. J was my coach. Damion is Gabe's coach. Much of what Gabe knows and the person he is becoming has been passed down from J.

J’s legacy and lessons live and will live on, way beyond this stage in life for all of us.

J and men like J are what this world needs now, more than ever.

My point is that in this day and age, with everything we see going on around us, the entitlement attitude of many in this latest generation, the political expediency and selfish behavior that we see in so much of our leadership, those of us who know J, know that he wasn’t doing what was easy or politically expedient to handle a situation. He was being very moral. He was simply doing the right thing."

As I said earlier, I hope this ends as smoothly as possible, without further contention or litigation, and with as little damage to our Gopher Wrestling program as possible. All so we can continue our current climb back to being an elite Top 5 and Natty Championship winning program!!

If somehow J is fired next week, I suspect that the situation will get very contentious as J will likely sue for wrongful termination...and the mess to come from that could go on FOR A LONG TIME!!

We shall see what happens...and maybe soon.
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