Ho hum...another 14 and 8 for Murphy, 19 pt 5 ast 0 to for Mason, 11 for McBrayer

I'm happy about this. Our core in 2 years will be Mason, Murphy, and Coffey. McBrayer with 11 is just a bonus.

Even though we lost....don't shake-a-stick at the fact that a freshman has 14 points and 8 rebounds on a regular basis. And that Mason is not in a sophomore slump. Don't shake-a-stick at that.

And McBrayer has potential to be good in 2 years. And hot-shot Coffey is on the way.

I'm on extra-nice if you think we stink and there's no hope....that's fine.

19 days

Hope SPRINGs Eternal.

Spring camp under three weeks away.

You always look for help in some of the new guys. Interesting this year because of such a big group of Red Shirt Frosh.

Nice group of 17 red-shirt frosh I'm eager to see compete.

10 on offense:

Dovich and Connelly have been mentioned by Claeys as guys he thinks can help.
New coach will take hard look at Oseland and Stieber.
New coach means new opportunity plus he has to replace Lauer, Christenson, Bjorklund, Campion, Bush, Hayes, Bobek, maybe A. Mayes. That is 7 or 8 bodies gone from that unit.

Femi-Cole and Johannesson. No McCrary in camp helps their getting reps. Berkley gone and Roderick gone also gives them opportunity. Miles Thomas, Tyler Hartmann gone. Knowing what they have in Brooks and Smith and probably limiting them also helps these two for extra reps.

Beebe (almost lost his redshirt last season) and Witham. No fullbacks on roster. Plsek not returning. Anyanwu not returning?

Register and Mayer. Good reports on both. Mayer a walk-on from Cali we were able to get because of legacy New offensive coordinator means fresh looks for all. Leidner won't be in camp, so some of these guys might get better looks from a QB who has no established comfort-zone targets.

6 on defense:

DeLattiboudere gets some good reports. They need help at DE with Keith, Cockran gone. Mose Hall I hear nothing on.

Jaylen Waters at linebacker is one I'm eager to see. Claeys compares skill-set to Damien Wilson. I would think Lynn and Poock will be limited to keep them healthy. DeVondre gone.

Buford. Sawvel says his eyes go big when he watches Buford. BBC and Murray both gone. Team will be looking hard for young corners to step up.

Dior and Craighton. Antonio Johnson gone. Are Travis and Rogers healthy enough to go in Spring ball? If not, these guys will get a lot of good reps at safety.

Herbers on special teams I would think will be competing for the punting job. He came in from Battle Creek, MI as a walk-on. I think he had MAC scholarship opportunity.

I think a bunch of these will be in the two-deeps come September.

Optimism: Why we have to think things suck

Optimism in today's culture sometimes seems like that is a synonym for kool-aid drinker, head in the sand, naïve, ignorant simpleton.

This is an article about finance/markets but it applies to almost anything these days it seems. Certainly sports message boards, but politics, money..mostly life in general. We all know negativity sells. It's why guys like Reusse and Barreiro can maintain long careers. I just think this is an interesting phenomenon. There is some science to being conditioned to be fearful and negative...for survival.

Guys like Schroeder and all the politicians will tell us now terrible things are. How bad we are as people. How terrible it is today when in reality we have things, and frankly the world, has things pretty damn good nowadays. Not to dismiss the problems we have, but we will ALWAYS have problems and the problems we have are just other iterations of problems we've always had.

Anyway, these two articles struck a cord with me. Happy Optimism Day!

Ryan J, what are your thoughts about the relationship between........

...the local HS coaches in Minnesota and Pitino?? I know that was something that had to be established early.. With some big in-state prize recruits coming down the pike, has he MAINTAINED a good relationship with these coaches?? I dont want to put words in your mouth but I am guessing you will say "Hey we got Coffey, Hurt, Jarvis Johnson, Sharp with Joey and Lynch coming home, didn't we?? That should answer your question, Vifan"...My thoughts are that, with the team struggling, are coaches instate still looking at the Gophers in a positive light or are they thinking "maybe we are better off encouraging our kids to go elsewhere".

This year could be the most interesting B10 tourney, in years

I was surprised that Indiana beat Iowa.. Indiana had a 16 point lead that they squandered but hung in there for the win despite Yogi Ferrell having an off night. Indiana had to play their reserves in key moments of the game so it is an impressive victory. Indiana and Wisconsin have heavily 'back loaded' schedules so they have their toughest games coming up. The results could drastically change the standings.

The Big Ten tournament is going to be as 'up for grabs' as I remember.. Wisconsin is playing well, right now. Northwestern can be tough on given days. Even Penn State and Michigan can give people fits, at times.. Ohio State had a big win against Kentucky and beat Northwestern twice... Then, of course, you have the 3 preseason favorites(Maryland, Michigan State, Purdue) plus Iowa and now Indiana. If everyone is healthy and no issues, 5 teams have real possibilities to win the Big Ten tournament, in my opinion, but I think that Wisconsin, Northwestern, and Ohio State could really be 'spoliers' in this year's tournament. Whichever team gets hot will be the team that wins it. Who knows how many Big Ten teams the NCAA takes for their tournament. Some depends on how far the 'spoilers' make it in the Big Ten tournament.

Even though I HATE that the Gophers are having such a rough year, I think this has the potential of being one of the most fun years to watch basketball, once the NCAA tournament starts.. There is NO DOMINANT TEAM that I have seen so far this year and just about any of the top teams that make the tourney could easily be upset. It would not surprise me if a few of the 1 or 2 seeds don't make it out of the first weekend. Its a consolation for the rough year of our Gophers, no doubt, but I can hardly wait for a little over a month from now.

Helmet stickers

I wrote in the Signing Day presser notes and quotes post that Claeys said he would consider helmet stickers, but that it sounded very preliminary and if nothing had been seriously discussed. Here's the verbatim quote from the presser that Joe Christenson published:

Asked in an online chat if the Gophers were considering any uniform changes, Claeys said no, but added that they’re considering adding “game performance helmet awards.”

“I want to try and find a way to reward our kids, not for individual things but for team things that they do during the game that helps the team win,” Claeys said. “I don’t want them so big that they cover up the whole helmet. I’m not into that.

“It’s not something that’s going to be big and stick out and all that, but something that the kids can take pride in. At the same time, if they make mistakes, they’ll lose them.”

Michigan and Minnesota Game Thread

Game is tonight at 8. Free t-shirts.

Last game: Bakary played maybe the worst the half a center has ever played, Mason could not be stopped off a ball screen, Dupree was solid, Morris was terrible early but really good in his second rotation and beyond, they let Irvin - who hadn't made more a couple threes in a game in forever - get comfortable and hit, Walton was really good for them, Murphy was of course in foul trouble and was close to a double-double

Limegrover gone = how much difference?

There were many complaints about Limegrover every year. Here's an honest review of him, with both negatives and positives.
  • The biggest one was running the ball on 1st and 10 and 2nd and 9. We were far too predictable at times -- especially against teams that Limey thought we were worse than.
  • The other major problem with Limegrover was managing the clock. They really did practice no huddle situations in practice. Team managers sprinting to get the ball in place, Kill and the coaches screaming "go, go, go" after every play, lineman sprinting to the line of scrimage...the whole nine yards. It's just mind-boggling that they didn't try to go no huddle with little time left in the first half in many games. @bradt42 I get that there's a time and a place and coaches have a feel for how their offense is doing. But it just didn't make sense. They even went no huddle some when they didn't need to in a couple games (TCU was one, CSU was one, there were a couple in B1G games too). Far too conservative and I've been told that not all coaches and players were satisfied with end-of-first half play calling.
  • The runs and draws on third and long were frustrating too. I get want to get some yards and not throw a pick... But it was too much at times.
  • Route trees...At the beginning of the year, we ran way too many short out routes. It was incredibly predictable.
  • Personnel groupings at times were odd with the receivers. They also had KJ Maye start out wide and Woli in the slot. When they moved Maye back in the slot, he broke out.
  • Jump balls...the multiple designed jump balls to Eric Carter were very, very odd. There was also the jump ball to Miles Thomas that probably wasn't designed...but if I remember right it was a fly route and not a wheel so who knows. And when he should have used jump balls, he didn't. I don't remember Rashad Still or Nate Wozniak running a single fade in the end zone.
  • Fans wanted Limey to throw screens throughout Kill's tenure, and we finally saw that this past year. There were many quick, jailbreak, and bubble screens to the receivers. The decision to throw so many of the screens to Drew Wolitarsky was questionable, but overall the team had success throwing screens.
  • Fans complained about the restricted route trees and later in the season the receivers had a more diverse route tree. Slants and vertical patterns were both missing early in the year but present later. Towards the end of the year, Limegrover kept the defense honest with his playcalling.
  • Presnap motions...Limegrover did a good job of allowing Leidner to get a good read on the defense and test eye focus with all his motions.

All in all, I thought Limegrover improved significantly as a playcaller throughout the year. But we seem to say that every year. Why does it take so long for the offense to get going? I think improved playcalling will make us a one or two win better team this year. Thoughts?

Good Article on McAvoy

Former Gophers lineman Luke McAvoy writes first-person account about experience coming out as gay

By Joe Christensen
February 10, 2016 — 12:48pm




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Former Gophers offensive lineman Luke McAvoy wrote a story for, giving a heartfelt account of his experience when he came out as gay in 2014, while still part of the team.

McAvoy, a native of Bloomington, Ill., who was with the Gophers program from 2011-2014 but played only sparingly, said he had known he was gay in high school but kept it to himself, heeding his mother’s advice.


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McAvoy said he finally got the courage to tell two teammates on Feb. 9, 2014, the day former Missouri linebacker Michael Sam came out publicly. Two days later, McAvoy told those two teammates his story.

“The relief of just two people knowing was incredible,” McAvoy wrote for “I felt better than I ever had. I finally could focus on what was going on around me even though I still wasn't totally out. After that night, word slowly spread. We never had a team meeting nor did I ever really announce it but people learned and I did not deny it anymore.”

McAvoy continued:

“I won't lie and say it was all perfect; some people did not take it well. However, the support, acceptance and love I felt outweighed all the negativity. There were a few teammates that did not like it and mostly they just ignored me. Others took a few conversations before we were cool. It was nowhere near the outright rejection and hatred I had feared. I think the coaches knew, but they never said anything about it. I was not really on their radar much that year since I was not a starter or key backup.

“I was a scout team player on the offensive line, nowhere close to a star player. My love of football evolved from one that revolved around actual playing time to the time spent with the team, the workouts, the banter that filled almost every waking moment. I got six plays against the University of Iowa [a big rival] my senior year, and would not trade it for the world. Those six plays made all of the 300s drills and early morning workouts worth it.

“Yet it was the acceptance from my teammates that I will remember. Being part of a family that did just about everything together for four years was amazing. Being part of a family that turned out to be so much more accepting and supportive than I could have imagined made me realize that I had nothing to fear. The only thing I should have been afraid of was what was in my own mind.”

Here’s the full story.

Matt Limegrover, the Gophers former offensive coordinator and offensive line coach who is now at Penn State, told the Star Tribune via Twitter direct message: "It didn't surprise me one bit that Luke had the courage and the self-awareness to step out of the shadows and speak up. He is honestly one of the most caring and giving young men I have ever coached. I am unbelievably proud of the man he is and am honored to have been associated with him in some small way as his coach."

Former Gophers coach Jerry Kill said he wasn't aware McAvoy was gay until he read the article. Kill said what he remembers most about McAvoy’s time at the university was how well he represented the football team.

“Luke did a tremendous amount for our athletic department,” Kill said. “He was a great teammate. He’s a giving kid, and that’s why I think he’ll be a great teacher. I’m very proud of the success he’s having.”

Also, The Daily Gopher tweeted its thanks.

Older Post
Plsek, Wipson, two others no longer on Gophers football roster

Wrestling Redshirt Stroker Wins Title at Don Parker Open

Stroker Wins Don Parker Title

Title is the third straight for Stroker on the open tournament circuit

Fredy Stroker finished his redshirt season with 13 consecutive wins
Feb. 8, 2016

Fredy Stroker won the Don Parker Open title on Saturday in Eau Claire, Wis. with a dominating 4-0 performance at 157 pounds, wrapping up his redshirt season at Minnesota with a 25-4 mark. Following his 2-2 performance at the prestigious Southern Scuffle in early January, Stroker finished the season by winning 13 consecutive matches and three straight open titles (Worthington, Duhawk, Don Parker).

Saturday's showing was arguably Stroker's strongest, start-to-finish, in any tournament this season. All four of his wins were bonus point victories, starting with a tech fall in the opening round, followed by a third-period pin in the quarters and another tech fall in the semifinals. Stroker finished with an 8-0 major decision in the finals, his first bonus point win in the final match of a tournament this season.

Perhaps most impressive, Stroker did not allow any of his four opponents to score a single point. Including the points he amassed in his quarterfinal match prior to scoring the fall, Stroker outscored the competition 47-0.

Tijani Karaborni was the only other Gopher in the Don Parker field. Karaborni went 0-2 on the day, dropping a decision on the championship side of the 174-pound bracket and losing by fall in wrestlebacks.

Match-by-match results for both wrestlers are included below.

Match-by-Match Results


Fredy Stroker (4-0, 1st Place)
Champ Rnd 1: Fredy Stroker tech fall Danny Harris (North Central (IL)), 16-0
Quarters: Fredy Stroker fall (6:20) Robert Rocole (Wisconsin-Eau Claire)
Semis: Fredy Stroker tech fall Sameh Almousa (St. Olaf), 16-0
Finals: Fredy Stroker maj dec Ben Cousins (Concordia), 8-0


Tijani Karaborni (0-2)
Champ Rnd 1: Bye
Champ Rnd 2: Jake Johnson (Concordia) dec Tijani Karaborni, 9-3
Cons Rnd 2: Javier Reyes (Luther) fall (4:16) Tijani Karaborni

This was a fairly tough regional tournament with lots of top Div. II, III and NAIA teams, as well as unattached redshirts from Power 5 schools.

Tournament Teams

1. Augsburg, MN Augsburg, MN
2. Concordia WI Concordia (WI)
3. Concordia College , MN
4. Dickinson state, MN
5. Ellsworth CC, IA
6. Lakeland, WI
7. Luther, IA
8. Milwaukee School of Engineering, WI
9. Minnesota State Moorhead, MN
10. Minnesota State-Mankato, MN
11. North Central (IL), IL
12. Ridgewater College, MN
13. Rochester, MN
14. St. Cloud State, MN
15. St. Johns (MN), MN
16. St. Olaf, WI
17. Unattached, WI
18. Unattached, MO
19. Upper Iowa, IA
20. UW-Eau Claire, WI
21. UW-La Crosse, WI
22. UW-Parkside, WI
23. UW-Whitewater, WI
24. Winona State Wrestling Club, WI
25. Wisconsin, WI
26. Wisconsin-Oshkosh, WI
27. Wisconsin-Stevens Point, WI
28. Unattached, MN

Good work Fredy!
Keep it going...and get ready to kick some ass next year!!!

Wrestling Alum Tony Nelson Wins Silver Medal in Turkey

Tony Nelson Wins Silver Medal in Turkey

Both Nelson and fellow Gopher alum Scott Schiller gave strong performances to Team USA at the Yasar Dogu International in Istanbul



Tony Nelson put together a strong, 3-1 performance in Turkey to bring home a silver medal
Feb. 8, 2016

Gopher alums Tony Nelson and Scott Schiller donned the red, white and blue this weekend as part of Team USA at the Yasar Dogu International in Istanbul and both turned in strong performances, particularly Nelson, who captured the silver medal in freestyle at 125 kilograms.

Nelson picked up three victories on his way to the championship bout, overwhelming his side of the bracket along the way. He began with consecutive 10-0 tech falls, first knocking off Recep Bolme and then Slim Trablsi. In his semifinal match, Nelson pinned Yasin Kilic in just 1:38, putting him into the finals without a point allowed. Nelson found himself fighting for the gold against two-time World champion Taha Akguel, who took the match, 10-0.

Schiller’s trip to Turkey was his first major international competition as a senior-level wrestler. He began his day with a 6-4 win over Yunus Emre Dede, but a 4-0 loss to Fatih Yasarli in the next round threatened to end Schiller’s tournament after just two matches. Yasarli advanced to the finals though – eventually claiming the gold for freestyle at 97 kilograms – which gave Schiller new life in repechage matches. He took advantage of the opportunity, defeating Emer Can Osman 10-0 before falling to Fatih Cakiroglu just one round short of a bronze medal contest.

Nelson and Schiller have hopes of representing the United States at the 2016 Olympic Games in Brazil. Both have already clinched invitations to the U.S. Olympic Team Trials in Iowa City this April, a tournament which will decide who wrestles for the U.S. in Rio.
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New walk-on

Current U student and former Mineral Point (Wis.) athlete Joey Gorgen has posted that he made the football team as a walk-on. I know he was in touch with Sawvel for a while and maybe Sherels too. I'm not sure what position he'll play and don't anticipate him being on the 105 man roster for fall camp. He's at Gibson-Nagurski with some assistants now.
