RJ....where have all the MN big men gone?

I was watching the Gopher hoopsters game last night with my wife and I was lamenting on the lack of good old Minnesota bred big men on the U roster of late I harkened back to the days of talented and physical posts over the last few decades....Olberding, McHale, Petersen, Pryz, Richert, ...on and on. Has the well dried up? I can't understand why the U decides to recruit Mali and Senegal to get average at best or maybe below average bigs? Can't we do better in our own back yard? I have seen Bertram play a few times and he is a legit 6'11" 270....I realize he isn't nearly as athletic as Konate', but wouldn't it be better to grab a kid out of the Midwest?Minnesota that you know can come off the bench to rebound, block shots and bang v taking these reaches that need so much time to develop even basic inside play? Kids that you can follow for years and know what you have? I really liked what I saw from Theo John at State last year and I understand that the U is all over his recruitment, but he is only a junior. However, wasn't there any better options for bigs over the last few years than Konate ' or especially Diedhiou? Looking forward to getting your expert opinion Ryan. Man, there just seems to have been this big void of good and local bigs. Go Gophers!
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Joe C Article
Phrase I like the most:
“In my opinion, the last couple of recruiting classes, we’ve paid more attention to pass protection than we have road graders, and knocking people off the ball,” Claeys said. “Not that pass protection isn’t important. But we are going to make our money knocking people off the ball, and then worry about pass protection.”

Brooks and Smith going to have very good years as Gophers.
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As I wrote another post keeping Snelson would have netted the Gophers an additional 106 Rivals points plus whatever bonus points might apply ( I didn't spend any time trying to decipher their bonus system). That would have boosted their Rival's rating to 42 ( ahead of NW & Iowa in the Big Ten). Had they also elected to hold onto Foster, they would have gotten another 106 points plus possible bonus points which would have raised them to number 36,. possibly 35. That would look pretty good , but query, would the class be that mush better. In my mind it's highly doubtful.
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Murphy Fouls First 5 Minutes

This is becoming comical, he cannot get through the start of the game without getting two quick fouls. At some point you have to question his level of intelligence as this has become beyond ridiculous. EVERY game he has to sit down for the majority of the first half and watch. This is one of the number of reasons reason as to why the goose egg in conference play. It has a major impact on the rotation, including more pt for Buggs and Morris :mad:. He's arguably our best player and to have him sitting on the bench for 15 minutes in the first half every game is so painful. How do you coach this issue? It seems Pitino tried something different this game and pulled him after his first foul a couple minutes into the game, but when he came back in he picked up his second with about 11 minutes to go, so that didn't do much good either.
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with Gaard on KFAN:

based on athletic numbers, best class we've signed

if we win more games, more kids will stay home

we keep improving facilities, more kids will stay home

we will get a bigger bump from facilities next year

Coughlin and other recruits helped with recruiting

really enjoy the home visits, meeting the families

encourages kids to compete in multiple sports

Jay is a great fit, met both guys during Bowl prep, Jay Johnson was actually at a practice

it was as good a workout as we've had this morning, all the kids here want to be here

Jay Johnson on KFAN

first Gopher game was watching Tony Dungy, nice to be home

good atmosphere in football program at Minnesota

these coaches have had nice success at other stops

will work with Pat, Brian, Rob and will be our offense, not Jay's offense

identify playmakers, get them the ball, make first downs, score points

philosophy is always evolving, adjust to your players

Gaard said Jay brings a lot of intensity to morning workouts; Jay says he likes intensity with poise

have seen two young backs, very impressed, like what I see, likes Rashad Still

take care of football, have to be able to run but need multiple balanced attack, play fast and physical, take care of the rock

Bart Miller can be intense as well says Gaard
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What an all Minnesota team would look like.

How many times have you heard somebody say “if Minnesota recruited only Minnesota players, what would an all Minnesota team look like?”

I’ve heard it so many times that for the first time ever I actually am going to dive into what it would look like if a Minnesota team was to get all Minnesota kids but could only have Minnesota kids.

We also have to play under the NCAA rules so we can only have 13 scholarship players and we need to balance those scholarships out well. Therefore, here is our team with some notes below.

Point Guard

The toughest decision on this team was “do we take Siyani or Quinton Hooker?” We can only have one senior lead guard on the team and with both being seniors (Siyani tore his ACL and is sitting this year out and coming back in the fall) next year we have to pick one. We went with Hooker because we know he will be healthy but it’s a choice that kills us as both are leaders that kids love to play with. Can we talk one into walking on?

Quinton Hooker (Junior at North Dakota, from Park Center). Having an outstanding year at UND putting up 19 points a game with five boards and four assists shooting 46 percent from the field and is a great leader. See all the Minnesota talent at UND? That is Hooker getting them up there.

Marshawn Wilson (Freshman at UNI, from Hill-Murray). Scoring a dozen points a night shooting 42 percent at the arc and defending older than his years. Marshawn is having a great freshman season and is without a doubt a high major talent playing in the MAC. Can use him at both guard spots.

Shooting Guard

We have a shooter in Zierden and a couple guys in Marshall and Crandall who can shoot as well as play make. Like this group although would also like a defensive stopper with muscle like DJ Davis (scoring nine a game as a sophomore) but only have so many scholarships and we grabbed our worker wings at the three spot.

Isaiah Zierden (Junior at Creighton, from BSM). Scoring a dozen a game for this season shooting almost 40 percent from the arc. This is the feet set shooter the team needs on the wing.

Marcus Marshall (Senior at Nevada, from Johnson). Sitting out right now cause of a transfer but is a playmaker who scored nearly 20 points per game before leaving Missouri State shooting an outstanding 46 percent at the arc (same numbers from the field).

Geno Crandall (Freshman at North Dakota, from DeLaSalle). The high potential playmaker is starting to flourish scoring ten a game with four assists and four boards a night play as a red-shirt freshman who actually just turned 19 so he is more of the age of a true freshman.

Small Forward

We have our worker senior, our playmaker, and our worker in waiting. The small forward spot has not been a deep position in recent years in Minnesota but the 2016 class will provide some.

Sanjay Lumpkin (Senior at Northwestern, from BSM). Started all but six of the last 88 games for the Wildcats because he is an outstanding defender and position player on offense. Grabbing six boards a game too.

JP Macura (Sophomore at Xavier, form Lakeville North). We will use the 6-foot-5 height at the three spot and definitely take the nine points a game in the Big East with 45 percent field goal shooting.

Stephon Sharp (Freshman at Minnesota, from Hopkins). Walked on at Minnesota and is doing a great job is a team role player on both ends and he can be on this team certainly in that walk-on role getting some worker minutes as a walk-on.

Sacar Anim (Freshman at Marquette, from DeLaSalle). Sacar isn’t playing at all for the Warriors but we need his toughness and we need another young wing to balance out the classes and he is the best local option.

Power Forward

We will have two juniors in Travis and Washington that could start together and a senior shooter in King. Need to add to the four spot soon and there wasn’t much to add from in recent classes. Like what the team has now though and going forward with Reid and Kyle.

Reid Travis (Sophomore at Stanford, from DeLaSalle). Reid gives the Cardinal 13 points and seven boards a game shooting 56 percent from the floor and we will be working on that 48 percent foul shooting.

Joey King (Senior at Minnesota, from Eastview). Scoring a dozen points a game for a struggling Big Ten team King is the three point shooter the team needs. Joey is shooting over 40 percent at the arc and 90 percent at the foul line.

Kyle Washington (Junior at Cincinnati, from BSM). Kyle gave NC State seven points and four rebounds in 18 minutes a game before transferring to Cincinnati.


Akolda will be a senior next year while Reggie is sititng out and will be a junior next season. A couple of quality bigs.

Reggie Lynch (Junior at Minnesota, from Edina). Sitting out this year because of transfer but was one of the nation’s leading shot blockers last season with three game while grabbing 5.5 boards with ten points a game for Illinois State.

Akolda Manyang (Junior at Oklahoma from Duluth East). Coming off the bench to give Okalahoma three points and two blocks a game with two boards. Playing nine minutes a night.

2011: If you are form the 2011 class and on here that means you would have red-shirted or transferred in. Joe Coleman’s back has given out so we can’t use him while the other two high major players Ross Travis and Shelby Moats did not red-shirt so we cant use them either. Looked at Joel Awich at Cal Poly but felt that Jake White and Joey King are doing more than he as our veteran four men.

2012: Siyani is a guy you want as a point guard, Sanjay is the worker, Zierden is the shooter, Marshall is the playmaker, King the frontcourt player, and Akolda the active frontcourt player who was junior college player of the year. Looked at Johnny Woodard but need more than the six a game he is giving Tennessee State. I’m pretty sure Manyang was in this class before going to a prep, then junior college, and now at Oklahoma.

2013: Really not much to go with from this class. Have a couple bigs to look at in Reggie Lynch and Carson Shanks, there were lead guards in Quinton Hooker and Graham Woodward. After that there wasn’t much D1 talent in the class. Woodward and Hooker are both having great years. Now, add Kyle Washington to the group and you have nice class. Kyle left BSM for prep school after his junior year.

2014: Can’t have Tyus Jones and Rashad Vaughn, they went pro already. We can definitely have JP Macura and Reid Travis and will surely grab Stephon Sharp as our walk-on. Then have to pick from Wheeler Baker, Ian Theisen, DJ Davis, Jake Wright, and Geno Crandall. Not to mention Andre Wallace and Ngor Barnaba are guys we have to look at is bringing in as juniors from the junior college route (they are from this class too).

2015: This class just doesn’t look like it will be that thick. Jarvis can’t play according to Minnesota doctors, JT Gibson and Donnell Gresham have been solid as role PGs at the mid/low major level, Sacar Anim is at Marquette but isn’t playing, and Dan Jech is scoring seven a game. But right now the only guy we surely want to pair with Geno Crandall in our freshman class is Marshawn Wilson.

Next Recruiting Class: We are adding Amir Coffey and Michael Hurt as wings for sure. They take the scholarships of Lumpkin and King who are graduating. Need to add a frontcourt player too meaning somebody has to transfer out of this group so Reed Nikko can be the center of the future. If we have another transfer? Look at Steffon Mitchell from high school or Andre Wallace from junior college.

Bottom Line. You can now understand how hard it is picking a team for college coaches. How do you pick between a Siyani or a Quinton Hooker? Hooker has been outstanding and Siyani guides teams to the Dance but a team can’t have two lead guards.

Does this team have enough talent to compete in the Big Ten? I say yes. You could have a really nice ten man rotation from the players listed above with your top scorers likely being the younger players Travis, Wilson, and either Macura or Zierden.

Could they contend for a Big Ten title? I don’t think so. I believe they are a veteran high level playmaker or two away from being that good. That said, going forward adding in all the current high school talent in Minnesota, or convince Rashad or Tyus to be on this team instead of the NBA, then you have your contender.

Who would I start? That is a loaded question. I think I would get the best five on the floor in:

PG: Marshawn

SG: Marcus Marshall

SF: Macura

PF: Reid

C: Reggie

And then from there see how quickly Hooker’s leadership would be needed at PG. Marshawn and Marcus could both play some PG, I think Marcus was the Missouri State point guard. I would only start one of Macura/Zierden and because we are short on small forward scoring Macura starts and Zierden off the bench. Washington or Reggie starting? I want Reggie’s defense on the floor first.

Take the Gopher schedule this year and I think this team would be about 10-2 in non-conference play and 9-9 in Big Ten about. Final record of 22-12 and playing in The Big Dance.

And that is how it would look I think if you could only take Minnesota players and Minnesota players had to stay home and play here.

It could be worse...

Mizzou commit couldn't sign letter of intent because he was in jail
By Tom Fornelli | Staff Writer
February 4, 2016 4:49 pm ET
Marvin Terry, a three-star linebacker out of Dallas, Texas, was the first player to commit to Missouri once Barry Odom took over as its coach. When National Signing Day came and went on Wednesday, however, the Tigers never received Terry's National Letter of Intent. But he had a good excuse ... well, maybe not so good ...

He was in jail.


Here is how we did on kids that we offered compared to our rivals (based on rivals offers):

Vs. Iowa

We won on:
T Johnson

Lost on:


Vs. Drunken Sconnies:

Won on:
T Johnson

Lost on:
Van Lanen


For teams that finished at or near the top of the conference, we went 3-3 and 4-3 vs. them on recruiting wars. Job well done Kill/Claeys!

Give us a better record, and the Athletic Village, and this only gets better!


I thought we had Barry Mayer's kid as a PWO. They only mention three in the STRIB, and the wr. from Brainerd and one of the Wisconsin dbs isn't mentioned either. I was also wondering whether the kicker is a punter or a place kicker or both? He sounded like a punter in his interview.

Live: Claeys Signing Day Presser

  • We're excited with our Signing Class like everybody. There's 20 kids there.
  • The goal is to have kids that will be better than our program previously. I feel like we've done that.
  • We're getting to where our class is pretty balanced. Don't think there are many challenges [asked where they missed on].
  • Signing Day wasn't necessarily any more eventful than other classes.
  • Thinks the offensive line could look significantly different. Nick Connelly and Bronson Dovich could help. That's the one spot we need to be a lot more physical at. Glad we brought in JUCOs.
  • Martin was just 208 pounds when he first came to camp (Martin told me today he now weighs 234). Our intentions are still to have him play linebacker. Maybe he could outgrow the position and be a really good defensive end.
  • Feel really comfortable about the in-state kids.
  • Hopes Merrick Jackson continues to stay around 305. Had a few weeks off since playing at JUCOs.
  • Seniors had 28 wins and that's the most in ten years.
  • To stay home, it's got to be worth staying home for. Kids in the state are bigger fans of the Gopher football program. High school coaches are very supportive.
  • Our facilities will be as good as anywhere else. Once they see the structure, I think that will help even more. I don't think it's an arm's race; I think it's an investment in the past.
  • I'll never make a kid play where he doesn't want to. You don't want to make a kid unhappy with his position because then he'll be unproductive. Tyler Johnson will be a receiver.
  • I'm happy for Lloyd Cushenberry. Daniel Thomas was very honest about going to Auburn. We have to win a few of those too.
  • With the season we had and adversity of changing coaches, we did well. Carter and a lot of the Minnesota kids have done a great job of holding the class together.
  • Winfield has a leadership type of personality. He's been raised right. Football's important to that family. At the same time, I don't think it's one of those things where his dad was pressuring him.
  • I told him Seth Green that he and Demry will get the reps in the spring with Mitch out, and he'll get a chance to compete again in the fall. I think Seth is a special player. I think he can be an All-Big Ten player type of kid. He could also help us out at another position.
  • (On recruiting without an OL coach): You know I'm a big guy. I keep guys informed. We were able to hang in there, and I'm very pleased with the offensive lineman. It was done quick enough, so I don't think there was any damage there.
  • We continue to get better because we have kids that want to be here. I don't want anyone who doesn't want to be here. Still and Register should both be good next year.
  • The position we know we needed to really get this year was offensive line, and I think we did that. I think in the past couple classes, we've paid more attention to road graders rather than pass protection. We want to knock people on the ground and then we'll worry about pass blocking.
  • I don't want kids who want to redshirt. Those kids don't have the right mindset and don't necessarily as much.
  • When you look at this class and their numbers, they run better than any of our other classes. That's backed up but our research and the numbers we have.
  • I love baseball. If Hmielewski is in a position to play baseball and help them win games, then I want him to be able to do that. I've talked with John Anderson, and they like him as a outfielder. Hmielewski is kind of like a waterbug. He's a little bit bigger KJ with not quite as good of straight line speed.
  • It was scary only going through a season with three quarterbacks. It's possible Seth doesn't redshirt. Those decisions won't be made until fall camp.
  • Got Kobe McCrary because of his size. We lost Rodrick Williams so we really don't have a big back, and you need that in the Big Ten. Kobe is a great addition. That was probably the second biggest need because I knew we'd have trouble recruiting a back with Brooks and Smith.
  • The Winfields made great sloppy joes. I also had a good time at Conner Olson's house. He has a great family. I had a great time on the road trying to get to know those families.
  • We've done a good job academically at this school and have numbers to back that up. Easier to tell parents that priorities are the same (as Kill).
  • I have two things when it comes to uniforms: I am a traditionalist. You should have at least have an idea of who's playing the game. We're going to be maroon and gold and that's important. Helmet stickers are a possibility. We want a way to reward guys for being good teammates and playing well.

Minnesota JUCO commits to Minnesota

Central Lakes CC (which is in Brainerd) wide receiver Kieran Johnson committed to Minnesota as a preferred walk-on. Schaekel had talked to Johnson a little bit this fall, but I didn't realize there was that much brewing with him. When I reached out to him at the start of the contact period, he told me he hadn't heard from Minnesota. Regardless, it's a huge get for Minnesota. Johnson was a first team All-American for all of NJCAA, not just Division-III. He had 69 receptions for 1404 yards and 24 touchdowns for Central Lakes. He committed to Minnesota over a full ride from Buffalo. You can watch his Hudl here.
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Position strengths

Just a quick, non professional observation of the position strengths of the teams, and not knowing anything about the PWO commits, though glad we have them. Seems like a few very good gets there as well

Excellent: None

Very Strong:
1. DBs...the only reason this position did not get excellent is I feel we could use another safety
2. LBs - could have used Pine, otherwise should be a very good position for years.
3. RB...Would have been great to get Byrd, but cea la vie. Anyways, with the starters and depth currently on the team, looks very good for a couple of years and it really does not serve RBs well to leave early unless they are top in the nation.
3. wait for it, wait for it....QBS - Love how Leidner played after Limegrover left. Croft, Green and Williams give them a strong position

1. OL...wished for one more strong commit, but we got a pretty good group and even more so, an excellent OL coach to work with them. I think they may prove better than expected next year, if for no other reason, the OL coach.
2. WR/TE...Snelson's loss as a player may sting a little, though not the added baggage that would come with him. The position itself still has enough players to make some things happen. Looking forward to seeing what Johnson will do for this group and the offense in general.

Last comment intended to make on Snelson...I do not wish ill on him, but a few years from now I suspect he is going to have some regrets. He had the potential opportunity to stand out and be noticed at MN...

not as solid:
1. ST - Would be solid, but no info on the new punter...glad they got a kicker signed this year though!
2. DL - A couple of recruits need a year or two to bulk up and missing on Watts may be the biggest miss for recruiting this year.

weak: NA

Overall this team has the potential to take the next step and looking forward to seeing what the new coaches can do as well. I am personally thinking Claeys has a great group of coaches to work with!

National Signing Day Central

Today's the day. Hoping for good news on Snelson, Durr, etc. I'll post in here when LOIs are sent in. They can't be sent in until 7:00 AM of wherever the recruit lives.

UPDATE: Signing Day is all wrapped up. The firm commits all signed. Dredrick Snelson flipped to UCF. Coney Durr stayed with Minnesota. Daniel Thomas picked up an Auburn offer this morning and signed with the Tigers. Arkeem Byrd signed with Wake Forest.
