I didn't want to start another thread on this topic, but couldn't figure out which one to include this in. Please bear with me and help me to understand a few things.
1. The sexual behavior of the original five, and the cheerleader, is abhorrent to me. Nevertheless, there is nothing illegal about this so long as it's between consenting adults. So why are the players looked upon as animals and poor sweet little Miss Anne as an innocent victim? She was "lucid and playful". The only complaint heard was re the length of the line. When someone said he was the last one, there is no recorded evidence that she protested. Perhaps she said "no mas" but we'll never know. So not only do we fall short of the standard of reasonable doubt, but the preponderance of evidence argument turns into a "he said, she said" type of situation. How can EEOC proceed with any charges based on this??
2. Having grown up around several members of the Minneapolis Police Department, I can tell you that msot do not place helping young Black Men avoid prosecution high on their list of priorities. Most of the same Cops you see passing out coats and gifts to young Black Kids on TV will have an entirely different narrative when gathered with their buddies knocking down a few beers. So when MPD and the Hennepin Co Attorney's Office decline to prosecute, it tells me that they went over the evidence with a fine tooth comb, found nothing prosecute, and it wasn't even close. Had it been close, the players would have been charged without question. Even though there is a different standard for EEOC cases, how can they charge anyone for anything except bad taste and abhorrent behavior?
3. If the original five are believed to have committed sexual misconduct of some kind, for what appears to be strictly voluntary behavior, how is it the little princess is not also charged for her behavior? Plus she gave head to a 17 year old visiting recruit. Knowing he was a recruit she should have considered that he might be underage and asked for ID. That's Statutory Rape to me, or can only one gender commit said offense?
4. I'm not clear on what the role of the Secondary Five is? Apparently, they had no part in the train pulling episode. So why are they facing suspensions/probation? Is it because they didn't leave? What if they had departed and the so called victim did holler "no mas"? Maybe they woud have been available to dissuade their teammates from continuing on. Then again, maybe not. But what was expected of them? Where did they come up short?
If I seem harsh on poor little Miss Anne, know that I have 3 daughters and have always said that if someone sexually assaulted them I would never call the Police. I would kill the Bastard(s) myself. That was true when they were kids and remains true today, even though they are all married and have kids of their own. Having said that, if the woman involved in this incident were my child, how could I retaliate against anyone? To me, she bears every bit as much guilt as the original five and is ever bit as disgusting as they are. without additional evidence or testimony this process is an absolute joke.